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Remote Teams Health Check

Our Remote Team Health Check survey enables you to gauge the impact of this change on the health of your teams and leaders in areas including effective communication, morale, and work coordination. Your first five team assessments will be provided free of charge:  contact us for more information and to schedule your assessment.

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Team Health in the COVID-19 Era

Covid-19 forced an abrupt shift from co-located teams to remote work

  • This rapid change has disrupted teams worldwide, dramatically changing peoples’ daily contact and work setting. 

  • The resulting dynamics can massively impact teamwork, morale, and overall performance.

  • To effectively respond to unplanned change, leaders need to gauge how teams are working differently now.

Our Process

  • Identify team tensions – gather data on the way the shift has been experienced by teams

  • Determine tension priorities – assist teams in ranking which tensions to mitigate first

  • Explore strategies – explore strategies to lower the impacts of tensions on team morale and productivity

  • Action the strategies – take action and fine-tune iteratively by reducing tensions, measuring outcomes, and adjusting strategies as needed

Our approach to boost team morale, engagement and performance includes the following steps:

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Introductory Offer

Our Commitment:

  • We will work with a subset of your teams (up to 5 teams) pro bono to identify and prioritize tensions using our proprietary assessment instruments

  • We will facilitate team debriefing and strategizing, and deliver a report with the prioritized tensions and strategies

  • We will then propose how to best engage with your team to guide and support them with the implementation of their strategies

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