How are your teams and leaders responding to the shock of unplanned changes?
Adaptive performance is the ability to respond effectively to unforeseen events and challenges, delivering greater value, and building resilience. We partner with you to benchmark and strengthen adaptability among your teams and leaders.
Remote Teams Health Check
The abrupt shift to remote work in response to Covid-19 dramatically changed the way teams communicate and collaborate. Teams everywhere are experiencing intense transition.
Our Remote Team Health Check survey enables you to gauge the impact of this change on the health of your teams and leaders in areas including effective communication, morale, and work coordination. Your first five team assessments will be provided free of charge: contact us for more information and to schedule your assessment.
What We Do
Increase Team Adaptive Performance
We help team members strengthen their ability to self-organize, collaborate, and learn in response to new challenges. Higher adaptive performance gives teams a greater range of responses in calibrating their efforts to best match the complexity of their mission.
Increase Leader Versatility
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Versatility is a leader’s ability to adjust his or her strategies to effectively guide a team: for example, shifting from a directive to a coaching style based on the changing demands of the work. We help leaders recognize their default style and increase the range of options available to them.
Provide Custom Services
We offer services including initial assessment, in-depth troubleshooting and coaching, and sustained efforts to develop team adaptive performance and leader versatility, using instruments validated through hands-on work with teams in the US and Asia.
Our Services
Team, Leader, and Cohort Assessments
We assess the adaptive performance of your teams and leaders using online tools and qualitative interviews. You receive reports analyzing each team's adaptive performance, mission complexity, and the impacts of remote work, identifying strengths and deficits. Available for teams and teams-of-teams.
Improvement: Training and Mentoring
Our customized training gives teams a concrete sense of their stage, development objectives, and tools needed to make progress. The training is delivered in highly interactive sessions in which team members are guided in modeling practices they will use to improve team collaboration and adaptability. Mentoring provides periodic, objective feedback for individuals and teams to optimize their overall performance.
Intervention: Development and Intensive Coaching
Based on results-oriented team and adult development research, our customized intervention, and coaching services work with teams and leaders to accelerate team adaptive performance and versatility. We begin by partnering with you to define objectives and metrics to gauge progress, then accompany you through taking action and evaluating results.